Foods that can help you quit smoking
Despite the fact that the majority of smokers express a desire to do away with the habit, quitting cigarettes is an uphill battle for most long-time smokers. As difficult as it is to achieve, or perhaps because of the difficulty, there are a number of methods one can apply to facilitate the process. Here, we examine some food-related tricks that can help to lessen the cravings and make cutting back a bit easier.
ACE juice
This delicious anti-smoking juice takes its name from the vitamins A, C, and E that it contains. The juice is prepared by mixing carrots, oranges, and lemon. These three fruits are chosen for their respective properties that help to counter the effects of smoking. Both oranges and lemons contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are useful in detoxification, weight loss, and aiding digestion while carrots can help restore the radiance of the skin by reversing the drying effect that long term smoking has on the skin. One of each fruit is sufficient to make enough ACE juice for one person.
High-alkaline foods
These kinds of foods are particularly good for those who wish to quit smoking but want to continue using tobacco. As some high alkaline foods contain small amounts of nicotine, eating them can be a way of blunting the craving for nicotine without smoking. A lot of vegetables including spinach, corn, and potatoes belong in this category. Quinoa, millet, almonds, and pasta are also high in alkaline content. Many of these foods are good additions to one’s diet even if one isn’t trying to quit smoking. Those who wish to explore other ways of using tobacco without smoking can also take advantage of the variety on offer at
The results of a study undertaken by researchers at Duke University revealed that consumption of milk or cheese before smoking made cigarettes taste worse. This study and others also showed that alcohol, meat, and coffee make cigarettes taste better indicating that quitting cigarettes can be helped by increasing intake of dairy products while reducing consumption of certain foods.
Sweets and gum may have little or no nutritional value but they can still help with quitting smoking. Smokers often mistake hunger for a need to smoke or find themselves reaching for a cigarette just to keep their mouths busy. Gum and sweets can eliminate this need by giving the mouth something to do for even longer periods than it takes to smoke a cigarette. Having lollipops, mints, or cinnamon sticks on hand regularly can gradually lead to a reduction in cravings for a smoke.
Giving up smoking is a gradual process that will involve many steps. While knowing what to eat and what not to eat can help, it isn’t a silver bullet that’ll kill the cravings permanently. For those serious about quitting or even cutting back, a proper dietary adjustment should be employed alongside other methods such as counseling, using nicotine patches, taking pills, etc.